Posts Tagged With: “TIP 2014-17”

Public Comment Period, TIP 2014-17 proposed amendment

MPO opens public comment period on TIP amendment for Scenic Byways The Dover/Kent County Metropolitan Planning Organization is looking for public input on proposed changes to its Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for fiscal years 2014-2017. Changes to the TIP warrant a minimum 30-day public review and comment period. This comment period will run from Aug. 1 to 31, 2014. This proposed amendment has to do with Delaware’s Scenic Byways program, and the more than $1.3 million additional federal funding that recently became available to the program to be spent within the FY 2014-17 TIP. The extra money brings the total funds for the Scenic Byways program within this TIP to more than $1.8 million. The goals of the byways program include the identification, promotion, preservation and enhancement of Delaware roads with at least one of the following intrinsic qualities: scenic, historic, natural, cultural, recreational and archeological. These funds are to assist sponsors of designated byways to prepare corridor management plans, or for other purposes including implementation of projects identified in the plans, marketing the byway, or addressing safety improvements needed due to the designation. This is a federally participating program. These funds can only be used in conjunction with Delaware’s federally approved program. 06 02 14 CTP FY 14 Scenic Byways Program Dover Kent County