MPO Council approves Vision 2040 long-range plan

Date Posted: Friday, January 6th, 2017


The long-range plan for the Dover/Kent County Metropolitan Planning Organization is now approved.

On Jan. 4, the MPO Council approved the Metropolitan Transportation Plan, called Vision 2040. The plan will next go to the Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transit Administration for approval.

The MTP is one of the Metropolitan Planning Organization’s core projects. The plan examines how central Delaware could take shape, transportation-wise, over the next 23 years and how transportation projects in central Delaware will be funded. In addition, the MTP provides measurable goals for the region’s transportation system. The U.S. Department of Transportation requires the MPO to update its plan every four years as a prerequisite for federal funding.


A copy of Vision 2040 is available to view on this website by going to the home page and looking under Resources, then Publications. For more information, contact Public Outreach Manager Kate Layton at, or by calling the MPO office at (302) 387-6026 or (302) 387-6030.