Public comment period on draft FY 2019-2022 TIP starts March 16
Date Posted: Wednesday, March 14th, 2018The Dover/Kent County Metropolitan Planning Organization will hold a public comment period for its draft FY 2019-2022 Transportation Improvement Program from March 16 to April 16. The MPO will seek approval from Public Advisory Committee, Technical Advisory Committee and its policy-making body, the MPO Council at an April 19 meeting.
The MPO’s draft Transportation Improvement Program for FY 2019-2022 includes more than $119 million in road, bridge, and other projects in central Delaware over the next four fiscal years. Some highlights of this TIP include the continuation or completion of projects that have been in the planning and/or construction process for some time.
A few highlighted projects in the draft TIP include:
- Improvements to Walnut Shade Road between U.S. 13 and Peachtree Run
- Completion of grade separated intersections at Route 1/South Frederica; Route 1/Little Heaven; and the start of construction of Route 1/Northeast Front Street in Milford
- Continued planning for the proposed widening of U.S. 13 Puncheon Run to Lochmeath Way, as well as between Lochmeath Way and Walnut Shade Road
- Continued design of Crawford Carroll Road extension, Kenton Road improvements, and the Camden Bypass
- Bridge rehabilitation projects
- Bike and pedestrian improvements (including the Senator Bikeway, West Street Trail, and Brecknock Park Trail connector)
- Improvements to Kenton Road and College Road in Dover
- Improvements around the intersection of Loockerman and Forest streets in Dover
The TIP represents the first few years of the MPO’s long-range Metropolitan Transportation Plan. Projects in the TIP are ones for which the Delaware Department of Transportation wants to secure federal funding. The TIP also serves as a budgetary guide for how much money will be spent on each project.
A project’s inclusion in the TIP does not guarantee construction will start within the TIP’s time span, although designers and planners could be busy behind the scenes on a project.
A copy of the draft TIP is now available here. Comments and questions are welcome by calling (302) 387-6026 or (302) 387-6030, or via e-mail: or