Dover Kent MPO announces four studies now open for public comment.

Date Posted: Thursday, June 15th, 2023


For more information, contact: Helen Wiles, Public Outreach Manager, at 302.387.6026 or email


Dover Kent MPO announces four studies now open for public comment.

Dover Kent MPO is pleased to announce that four studies are now open for public comment.

The studies and much ancillary information from public workshops and presentations are viewable on the Dover/Kent MPO website under “Current Studies” ( All of these studies are now open for public comment until July 6, 2023, when they will be voted on and accepted by the Dover/Kent County MPO council.

The studies include the Smyrna Clayton Boulevard Intersection Study, the Trap Shooters Interchange Study, the N. Walnut/N. Rehoboth Blvd./10th St. Interchange Study, and the Dover High School Walk Zone Study.

Any questions or concerns can be directed to James Galvin, Principal Planner, at