UPWP Solicitation Letter

Date Posted: Wednesday, December 20th, 2023

It is again that time of year when the Dover/Kent County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) solicits
ideas for transportation planning projects/studies from our MPO partners, stakeholders, interested parties and
the public.
As you are likely aware, the MPO is a federally mandated, partially federally funded quasi-governmental
organization that assists the state, county and local governments within Kent County with transportation
planning, prioritization, and federal mandates such as air quality, environmental justice and performance
measures. The MPO is your transportation planning partner.
The MPO is beginning the process of preparing our FY25 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP). As part
of that process, we encourage municipalities and partners to submit planning project ideas and study requests
for consideration.
The MPO will evaluate and prioritize all submitted planning project/study requests, with attention toward
supporting the goals and objectives articulated in our long-rang plan, Innovation 2045 Metropolitan
Transportation Plan (MTP). We will also evaluate for consideration projects that are not specifically
mentioned in our MTP.
Standard practice requires our MPO partners to participate by contributing up to 20% to any selected
transportation study contract. This will be specifically negotiated at the time a project is selected for
inclusion in the FY25 UPWP.
All transportation study recommendations must be received by the MPO no later than close of business
on January 11, 2024. For those who are preparing Comprehensive Plans or Updates, please forward a list
of priority transportation projects to the MPO. This will help in our overall prioritization of projects for the
Should you have any questions regarding potential planning projects, please contact Mike Petit de Mange,
Principal Planner, at Michael.PetitdeMange@doverkentmpo.org, or 302.387.6030. Please email your
planning/study recommendations to Michelle Vinson at Michelle.Vinson@doverkentmpo.org. or fax to
If you have questions or need additional information, please contact our office. Thank you for your
assistance and participation in this important part of transportation planning in Kent County.