INNOVATIONS 2050! Final Draft is up for Public Comment! More Info

Milford Public Workshop #2

Date Posted: Tuesday, January 9th, 2024


Public Input Meeting #2
The City of Milford and the Dover/Kent County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) are performing a corridor study of N. Rehoboth Boulevard and N. Walnut Street between the Mispillion River and US113. The purpose of the study is to identify gaps in the pedestrian and bicycle network and provide recommendations to enhance bicycle and pedestrian safety in the immediate area. The City held a public input meeting in October and met with various stakeholders over the past few months to gather feedback from the community on existing conditions.
The City will be hosting a second public input meeting on Tuesday, February 6, 2024 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM at the Public Works Facility, 180 Vickers Drive, Milford, DE to review study findings and recommendations. All parties of interest are invited to participate in the planning process.
The final report and plan documents would be used to develop construction plans for future City and State capital projects.
Questions should be directed to Rob Pierce, Planning Director, at 302-424-8395 or