Public comment period still open for FY15 UPWP

Date Posted: Monday, April 28th, 2014

FY-2015-UPWP There is still time to comment on the Dover/Kent County Metropolitan Planning Organization’s annual spending plan, known as the Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP), for FY2015. The comment period will run until May 15.  This spending plan, which becomes effective July 1, 2014, is $654,370, part of which is marked for several planning studies and programs that coordinate transportation and land use in central Delaware. The MPO’s FY 2015 proposed planning studies include: A bicycle and pedestrian plan for the city of Dover  U.S. 13 Transportation Improvement District Rt. 10 Trail study A Milford northeast area master plan In addition, the MPO proposes to provide assistance to towns that are preparing or updating their comprehensive plans. The Dover/Kent County MPO is federally required to have a written work program in accordance with the federal transportation bill, Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21). MAP-21 authorizes federal surface transportation programs for highways, highway safety and transit. The MPO’s policy-making body, the MPO Council, is scheduled to vote on the UPWP at its May 7 meeting, pending the completion of the public comment period. The Council’s meeting will be held at 3 p.m. on May 7 in the council chambers of Camden Town Hall. If approved, the budget goes to the Federal Highway Administration, the Federal Transit Administration and the Delaware Department of Transportation for review and approval. An electronic copy is available by clicking the link above, but the public may request copies by calling the office at (302) 387-6026 or (302) 387-6030.


See you at the Bug n’ Bud Festival!

Date Posted: Friday, April 25th, 2014

The Dover/Kent County MPO will be in downtown Milford on Saturday, April 26 for the annual Bug N’ Bud Festival. Enjoy a day of crafts, food and fun. Don’t forget to look for our booth!


Draft 2015-2018 Transportation Improvement Program available to view

Date Posted: Friday, April 4th, 2014

Delaware will see some transportation improvements over the next few years and the Dover/Kent County Metropolitan Planning Organization will play a role in making sure those projects well planned. The TIP represents the first few years of the MPO’s long range Regional Transportation Plan. Projects in the TIP are ones for which the Delaware Department of Transportation wants to secure federal and state funding. Click here to read the draft FY 2015-2018 TIP. Maps are available here: City of Dover projects included in the MPO TIP CTP Road Projects Camden Bypass Map


WDEL AM Radio covers the Heels Wheels summit

Date Posted: Thursday, March 27th, 2014

Check it out! WDEL AM Radio covered Friday’s Heels & Wheels walk and bike summit. To view the story, visit:


Photos from Heels &Wheels

Date Posted: Saturday, March 22nd, 2014

Approximately 250 people attended Friday’s Heels & Wheels walk and bicycle summit at the University of Delaware’s Clayton Hall.  They heard an update on Gov. Jack Markell’s executive order on Complete Streets as well as on Delaware’s Trails and Pathways program, plus much more. Afterward, cyclists and walkers took advantage of the bright Spring day with a ride and walk on Newark’s Pomeroy Trail. Here are some photos of the day’s highlights. Photos are also available on the Dover/Kent County MPO’s Facebook page.


Greetings from Heels & Wheels!

Date Posted: Friday, March 21st, 2014

Hello from the Heels & Wheels walk and bike summit in Newark, Del.! So far, we’ve had some great speakers and exhibitors. Here are a few photos, but for more, you can also “like” us on Facebook, or follow the Dover/Kent County MPO on Twitter.


Less than 50 seats left for the Heels and Wheels Summit!

Date Posted: Tuesday, March 11th, 2014

We’ve broken the 200 mark on registration for the 2014 Heels & Wheels Delaware Walk and Bicycle Summit! That means there’s less than 50 slots left for registration. The good news is, there’s still time to get in game. Join us at 9 a.m. on Friday, March 21 (next week!) at the University of Delaware’s Clayton Hall. Go to to sign up for this educational event. Nationally respected bicycle and pedestrian coordinator Dan Burden is our keynote speaker. Attendees will also have a chance to learn more about the economics of bicycling and trails, safety, transportation planning and building and maintaining recreational trails. Afterward, top off the day with a walk or a bicycle ride along the Pomeroy Trail in Newark.


MPO Office Closed Due to Weather

Date Posted: Monday, March 3rd, 2014

The Dover/Kent County MPO office is closed Monday due to inclement weather conditions. A driving restriction is in effect on Delaware roads for all counties. A drivers are urged not to drive unless they have an emergency. Stay safe and warm today!   The Dover/Kent County MPO


There’s still time to sign up for Heels & Wheels

Date Posted: Friday, February 28th, 2014

The Heels & Wheels Walk and Bike Summit is less than a month away, but lucky for you, there’s still time to register. Just go to and scroll down to the Heels & Wheels Summit information to register. The March 21 event is free! Our keynote speaker is the nationally renowned Dan Burden, an expert on creating communities for walk and bikability. After a great day of educational sessions and lunch, we’ll cap off the early spring day with a walk and bicycle ride around the Pomeroy Trail in Newark. So come one, come all to the Heels & Wheels Summit, March 21, 2014 at the University of Delaware’s Clayton Hall in Newark, Del. Sessions begin at 9 a.m.   Please share this with others on Facebook, Twitter and other social media.


Office closed due to snow, please stay safe on the roads

Date Posted: Wednesday, January 22nd, 2014

The Dover/Kent County MPO office is closed today due to weather. Business will re-open on Thursday, or when weather permits. Thank you! Delaware is under a state of emergency Level I driving restriction, which means drivers are discouraged from operating a motor vehicle unless there is a significant safety, health or business reason to do so. Stay safe!