Public Participation Plan Update Draft now published for public comment

Date Posted: Wednesday, July 21st, 2021

Dover/Kent County Metropolitan Planning Organization Announces Public Participation Plan Draft Published

The 2021 update of the Dover/Kent County Public Participation Plan Draft is now online for public comment. The PPP provides the outline to communicate what is needed to effectively involve the public in transportation planning. Like a blueprint, the PPP provides general information to help reach a desired result – to involve the public in the planning process and incorporate the articulated wants and needs into all MPO documents. Helen Wiles, public outreach manager for the Dover/Kent County MPO says “We always say Get Your Voice Heard when we talk about the MPO and what we are trying to do in Kent County with transportation. This is basically the plan as to how we listen to those voices.”

The Public Participation Plan can be seen on the Dover Kent/County MPO website at The comment period will remain open until September 1, 2021 after which the MPO Council will vote to adopt the final version.

Any comments or concerns that people have can be sent to Helen Wiles, Public Outreach Manager for the MPO. Ms. Wiles can be reached by phone at 302-387-6026 or email at

The Dover/Kent County Metropolitan Planning Organization is a federally funded not-for-profit that works with local, state and federal governments along with local transportation organizations to ensure that transportation planning and projects are done in compliance with Federal mandates to include the Federal Clean Air Act and the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST).


The Public Participation Plan can be seen HERE