Dover/Kent County MPO

Dover/Kent County MPO

Information for Government Agencies & Committees

Icon of a Megaphone

Make Your Voice Heard

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Council Tile with Icon of a group of people

MPO Council

The Council is the MPO’s policy-making body. Membership includes the highest elected officials (or their designees) from member governments.

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Council Tile (Green) with an Icon of a group of people


The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) comprises employees of member governments or related agencies, as designated by the MPO agreement.

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Council Tile (blue) with an icon of a group of people


The Public Advisory Committee (PAC) ensures that the MPO receives input from the public regarding all transportation plans, programs, and policies adopted by the Council.

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Transportation Tile with an Icon of a Bus and Car

Metropolitan Transportation Plan

The Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP), is updated every four years, and acts as a blue-print for guiding elected officials toward meeting the transportation needs of their constituencies.

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Data tile with a Bar Graph and Coordinates Pointing Upward

Data & Demographics 

The Dover/Kent County MPO is responsible for projecting the future population, households and employment numbers for the Traffic Analysis Zones (TAZs) in our area. 

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Gavel Tile with an Icon of a gavel

MPO Bylaws

View a copy of the MPO Bylaws.

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Meetings Tile with an Icon of people meeting at a conference table



Dover/Kent County MPO Council Meetings

No events


PAC Meetings

No events


Public Hearing

No events


TAC Meetings

No events



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