INNOVATIONS 2050! Final Draft is up for Public Comment! More Info

Council Meeting March 6

Date Posted: Monday, March 4th, 2019

                            Media Release              FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: Helen Wiles, Public Outreach Manager 302-387-6026 helen.wiles@doverkentmpo   DOVER/KENT MPO ANNOUNCES COUNCIL MEETING   The Dover/Kent MPO will be holding it’s bi-monthly Dover/Kent MPO Council meeting on Wednesday March 6 at 3pm at the Camden Town Hall Meeting Room located at 1783 Friends Way in Camden.   The agenda includes a presentation of the draft for the 2020 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) which will outline the projects and programs the MPO plans to address in the next fiscal year. The UPWP draft is available on the MPO website ( for review and comments now. There will also be an action item which establishes a policy linking staff salary increases to performance evaluations.    The full agenda is also available on the MPO website. All MPO meetings are open to the public.   The Dover/Kent County Metropolitan Planning Organization is a Federally mandated not-for-profit that works with local, state and federal governments along with local transportation organizations to ensure that transportation planning and projects are done in compliance with Federal mandates to include the Federal Clean Air Act and the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST).   For more information on the Dover/Kent County MPO, please visit or call Helen Wiles at 302-387-6026.        


2020 UPWP Draft Now Open for Comments!

Date Posted: Wednesday, January 30th, 2019

                            Media Release              FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: Helen Wiles, Public Outreach Manager 302-387-6026 helen.wiles@doverkentmpo   DOVER/KENT MPO ANNOUNCES DRAFT OF 2020 UPWP NOW PUBLISHED FOR REVIEW   The Dover/Kent MPO announces a copy of the draft for the 2020 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) is now published. The 2020 UPWP will outline the projects and programs the MPO plans to address in the next fiscal year. The UPWP draft is available on the MPO website ( for review and comments. All comments must be received before March 6, 2019 when the MPO Council will vote to adopt the budget and the outlines of the UPWP.   All comments may be submitted on the website under suggestion box, by email or by phone (302) 387-6030.   The Dover/Kent County Metropolitan Planning Organization is a Federally mandated not-for-profit that works with local, state and federal governments along with local transportation organizations to ensure that transportation planning and projects are done in compliance with Federal mandates to include the Federal Clean Air Act and the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST).   For more information on the Dover/Kent County MPO, please visit or call Helen Wiles at 302-387-6026.     The draft of the 2020 UPWP is available here: Item 5 Draft FY20 UPWP January 29 2019


TAC Meeting Feb. 12 2019

Date Posted: Wednesday, January 30th, 2019

                            Media Release              FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: Helen Wiles, Public Outreach Manager 302-387-6026 helen.wiles@doverkentmpo   DOVER/KENT MPO ANNOUNCES TAC MEETING   The Dover/Kent MPO will be holding it’s bi-monthly Technical Advisory Committee meeting on Tuesday February 12 at 10am at the Camden Town Hall Meeting Room located at 1783 Friends Way in Camden.   The agenda includes an overview of the draft for the 2020 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) which will outline the projects and programs the MPO plans to address in the next fiscal year. The UPWP draft is available on the MPO website ( for review and comments now. There will also be an action item which establishes a policy linking staff salary increases to performance evaluations.    The full agenda is also available on the MPO website. All MPO meetings are open to the public.   The Dover/Kent County Metropolitan Planning Organization is a Federally mandated not-for-profit that works with local, state and federal governments along with local transportation organizations to ensure that transportation planning and projects are done in compliance with Federal mandates to include the Federal Clean Air Act and the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST).   For more information on the Dover/Kent County MPO, please visit or call Helen Wiles at 302-387-6026.        


UPWP Amendments Adopted

Date Posted: Thursday, December 13th, 2018

                                                    Media Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: Helen Wiles, Public Outreach Manager 302-387-6026 helen.wiles@doverkentmpo     UPWP Amendments Were Adopted by the PAC, TAC, and Council.   At the joint meeting held December 6, the UPWP amendments were adopted unanimously by all 3 bodies. Reed Macmillan, the Executive Director of the Dover/Kent MPO did an informative presentation discussing the differences in the dollar amounts from the original document to the amended one. The Dover/Kent County Metropolitan Planning Organization is a Federally mandated not-for-profit that works with local, state and federal governments along with local transportation organizations to ensure that transportation planning and projects are done in compliance with Federal mandates to include the Federal Clean Air Act and the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST).   For more information on the Dover/Kent County MPO, please visit or call Helen Wiles at 302-387-6026.  


Bank Lane Feasability Study Public Notice

Date Posted: Friday, November 30th, 2018

Bank Lane Public Notice


UPWP Proposed Amendments

Date Posted: Friday, November 2nd, 2018

Click here to go to the proposed amendments to the UPWP. You can make comments here. This will be voted on during our joint meeting on December 6, 2018.


Results from our State Fair Basic Transportation Needs Survey

Date Posted: Wednesday, October 10th, 2018

The results of our basic transportation needs survey, taken at this year’s state fair is available here.



Date Posted: Tuesday, October 9th, 2018

Our Logo Contest was a great success! We got around 25 submissions, which our staff narrowed down to the top 5. Vote on your favorite daily! Click here to go and vote!  



Date Posted: Thursday, September 20th, 2018

Welcome to the new Dover Kent MPO Website! We hope you feel at home here. There are tons of new features and lots of interactive things to do. Explore, learn about the MPO and most importantly – GET YOUR VOICE HEARD! We have a suggestion box, an expanded contact us page, and plenty of social media to make sure we are always here for you!


Final TIP 2019-2022 Adopted by Council on 9/12/18

Date Posted: Monday, August 6th, 2018

FINAL AMENDED FY 2019-2022 TIP 9-12-2018