Joint Meeting Scheduled for December 4

Date Posted: Thursday, November 21st, 2019

Media Release           FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: Helen Wiles, Public Outreach Manager 302-387-6026 helen.wiles@doverkentmpo   DOVER/KENT MPO ANNOUNCES JOINT MEETING DECEMBER 4   The Dover/Kent MPO will be conducting a special joint meeting of the MPO Council, the TAC and the PAC at the Dover Downs Festival Buffet in meeting room B. The meeting will start at 5pm. The public is welcome and encouraged to attend, however since this is a special meeting reservations are required. Please RSVP to the MPO by December 1, 2019 by calling 302-387-6030.   The meeting will be primarily to discuss next year’s MTP Update. The full agenda can be viewed on the MPO website   The Dover/Kent County Metropolitan Planning Organization is a Federally mandated not-for-profit that works with local, state and federal governments along with local transportation organizations to ensure that transportation planning and projects are done in compliance with Federal mandates to include the Federal Clean Air Act and the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST).   For more information on the Dover/Kent County MPO, please visit or call Helen Wiles at 302-387-6026.


DOVER/KENT County MPO publishes TIP Amendments for Public Comment

Date Posted: Thursday, October 10th, 2019

Media Release              FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: Helen Wiles, Public Outreach Manager 302-387-6026 helen.wiles@doverkentmpo   DOVER/KENT County MPO publishes TIP Amendments for Public Comment   The Dover/Kent County MPO has published 2 proposed amendments to its 2020-2023 TIP on the website   The proposed amendments are required due to additional funds received by DelDOT. They concern Rail Crossing Safety and Transit Vehicle Replacement. The amendments will be discussed by the MPO Council on November 6, 2019 and will remain open to public comment until November 9, 2019.   The Dover/Kent County Metropolitan Planning Organization is a Federally mandated not-for-profit that works with local, state and federal governments along with local transportation organizations to ensure that transportation planning and projects are done in compliance with Federal mandates to include the Federal Clean Air Act and the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST).   For more information on the Dover/Kent County MPO, please visit or call Helen Wiles at 302-387-6026.


Notice of August PAC and TAC Meetings

Date Posted: Friday, August 2nd, 2019

3.4.19pr.augpacandtacmeeting                             Media Release              FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: Helen Wiles, Public Outreach Manager 302-387-6026 helen.wiles@doverkentmpo   DOVER/KENT MPO ANNOUNCES PAC and TAC MEETINGS   The Dover/Kent MPO will be holding it’s bi-monthly Dover/Kent MPO Public Advisory Committee meeting on Thursday August 8 at 6pm at the Camden Town Hall Meeting Room located at 1783 Friends Way in Camden. The Technical Advisory meeting will be held on Tuesday August 13 at 10am in the same room.   The agenda includes the PAC annual elections, voting to recommend sending the Public Participation Plan to the Council for adoption, and the Air Quality Conformity Update on the FY2020-2024 TIP amendment.   The full agenda is also available on the MPO website. All MPO meetings are open to the public. Teleconferencing is available. Please call 302-387-6030 to register.   The Dover/Kent County Metropolitan Planning Organization is a Federally mandated not-for-profit that works with local, state and federal governments along with local transportation organizations to ensure that transportation planning and projects are done in compliance with Federal mandates to include the Federal Clean Air Act and the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST).   For more information on the Dover/Kent County MPO, please visit or call Helen Wiles at 302-387-6026.        


Public Participation Plan Draft now published for comment

Date Posted: Friday, June 14th, 2019

DOVER, DE: The Dover/Kent County MPO has announced that it’s new Public Participation Plan draft is now published for public comment. The PPP is “a kind of playbook, that outlines how we are going to get every voice possible heard.” says Helen Wiles, Public Outreach Manager for the MPO. The new PPP is part of the preparation for 2020’s year-long public outreach for the MPO’s Metropolitan Transportation Plan. The public is encouraged to go to to view the PPP draft and then take a survey. Comments will be accepted until September 11, 2019 where the MPO Council will vote on adoption. Any comments or concerns that people have can be sent to Helen Wiles, Public Outreach Manager for the MPO. Ms. Wiles can be reached by phone at 302-387-6026 or email at The Dover/Kent County Metropolitan Planning Organization is a federally funded not-for-profit that works with local, state and federal governments along with local transportation organizations to ensure that transportation planning and projects are done in compliance with Federal mandates to include the Federal Clean Air Act and the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST).


New Interactive Map Now Available!

Date Posted: Tuesday, May 21st, 2019

The newest interactive map, showing projects and studies from a variety of MPO plans is now available on our website. This is a great way to find out about a particular study, where it is in terms of becoming a project, or if it is a project where it is in the process. Click Here to go to our newest Interactive Map!


FY 2020-2023 TIP Now Open For Public Comment

Date Posted: Friday, March 29th, 2019

Dover/Kent County Metropolitan Planning Organization FY 2020-2023 TIP Now Open For Public Comment   The Dover/Kent County MPO is now publishing its FY 2020-2023 Transportation Improvement Plan on the MPO’s website ( and is open for public comment between 3/29/19 and 5/1/19 when it will be voted on by the MPO Council for adoption.   The TIP is derived from the MPO’s long-range Metropolitan Transportation Plan. Projects in the TIP are ones for which the Delaware Department of Transportation wants to secure federal funding. The TIP also serves as a budgetary guide for how much money will be spent on each project.   The FY2020-2023 TIP is very similar to the TIP for the previous year with these exceptions: DE 14 at US 113 Intersection Improvements Improvements to the northernmost section, US13 to DE 12, of Canterbury Road/DE 15 3 Bridge Repair Projects – Irish Hill Rd, Fisher’s Bridge, and Quail Run Transit Facilities for South Frederica Park and Ride   In conjunction with the TIP, the MPO has also published its Air Quality Conformity Analysis Report. The Kent County Air Quality Conformity Analysis Report was required after a February 2018 a US Court of Appeals decision against the EPA regarding the EPA’s rule implementing the 2008 ozone (which was the standard used in determining our being “in-attainment”).  This decision basically reverted air conformity compliance back to the 1997 Ozone standards and as a result of this court decision, 82 identified MPO areas (the D/KC MPO is part of these 82 areas) were being considered “not in attainment” with the 1997 Ozone standard.  On October 1, 2018 the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) issued Interim Guidance on Conformity requirements for the 1997 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) which also “strongly encourages all impacted areas to make every effort to complete their 1997 ozone conformity determinations as soon as possible to prevent delays of transportation plans, programs, and non-exempt projects.”  Furthermore, the FHWA guidance indicated that conformity determinations for the 1997 Ozone NAAQS will be required on plan, TIP and project actions after February 15, 2019.  As such and in order to meet the FHWA Interim Guidance regarding the FY20-23 TIP, the MPO had an air conformity determination on three Regionally Significant Non-Exempt projects listed in our current FY20-23 TIP (US Route 13 Widening Phase 1; US Route 13 Widening Phase 2; and US Route 13 Connector Road (SR1, Scarborough Road C-D Roads).  The report documents the Air Quality modeling process used on the three Regionally Significant and Not Exempt Projects which resulted in demonstrated conformity with the 1997 NAAQS for Ozone.   Any comments or concerns that people have can be sent to Helen Wiles, Public Outreach Manager for the MPO. Ms. Wiles can be reached by phone at 302-387-6026 or email at   The public participation process for the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) will also meet the public participation requirements for DTC’s Program of Projects (POP). The TIP also considers effects upon low income and minority residents. […]


Final Approved UPWP now up!

Date Posted: Friday, March 22nd, 2019

The final 2020 UPWP is now up and available. Click here to go to view it.


Council Meeting March 6

Date Posted: Monday, March 4th, 2019

                            Media Release              FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: Helen Wiles, Public Outreach Manager 302-387-6026 helen.wiles@doverkentmpo   DOVER/KENT MPO ANNOUNCES COUNCIL MEETING   The Dover/Kent MPO will be holding it’s bi-monthly Dover/Kent MPO Council meeting on Wednesday March 6 at 3pm at the Camden Town Hall Meeting Room located at 1783 Friends Way in Camden.   The agenda includes a presentation of the draft for the 2020 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) which will outline the projects and programs the MPO plans to address in the next fiscal year. The UPWP draft is available on the MPO website ( for review and comments now. There will also be an action item which establishes a policy linking staff salary increases to performance evaluations.    The full agenda is also available on the MPO website. All MPO meetings are open to the public.   The Dover/Kent County Metropolitan Planning Organization is a Federally mandated not-for-profit that works with local, state and federal governments along with local transportation organizations to ensure that transportation planning and projects are done in compliance with Federal mandates to include the Federal Clean Air Act and the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST).   For more information on the Dover/Kent County MPO, please visit or call Helen Wiles at 302-387-6026.        


2020 UPWP Draft Now Open for Comments!

Date Posted: Wednesday, January 30th, 2019

                            Media Release              FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: Helen Wiles, Public Outreach Manager 302-387-6026 helen.wiles@doverkentmpo   DOVER/KENT MPO ANNOUNCES DRAFT OF 2020 UPWP NOW PUBLISHED FOR REVIEW   The Dover/Kent MPO announces a copy of the draft for the 2020 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) is now published. The 2020 UPWP will outline the projects and programs the MPO plans to address in the next fiscal year. The UPWP draft is available on the MPO website ( for review and comments. All comments must be received before March 6, 2019 when the MPO Council will vote to adopt the budget and the outlines of the UPWP.   All comments may be submitted on the website under suggestion box, by email or by phone (302) 387-6030.   The Dover/Kent County Metropolitan Planning Organization is a Federally mandated not-for-profit that works with local, state and federal governments along with local transportation organizations to ensure that transportation planning and projects are done in compliance with Federal mandates to include the Federal Clean Air Act and the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST).   For more information on the Dover/Kent County MPO, please visit or call Helen Wiles at 302-387-6026.     The draft of the 2020 UPWP is available here: Item 5 Draft FY20 UPWP January 29 2019


TAC Meeting Feb. 12 2019

Date Posted: Wednesday, January 30th, 2019

                            Media Release              FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: Helen Wiles, Public Outreach Manager 302-387-6026 helen.wiles@doverkentmpo   DOVER/KENT MPO ANNOUNCES TAC MEETING   The Dover/Kent MPO will be holding it’s bi-monthly Technical Advisory Committee meeting on Tuesday February 12 at 10am at the Camden Town Hall Meeting Room located at 1783 Friends Way in Camden.   The agenda includes an overview of the draft for the 2020 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) which will outline the projects and programs the MPO plans to address in the next fiscal year. The UPWP draft is available on the MPO website ( for review and comments now. There will also be an action item which establishes a policy linking staff salary increases to performance evaluations.    The full agenda is also available on the MPO website. All MPO meetings are open to the public.   The Dover/Kent County Metropolitan Planning Organization is a Federally mandated not-for-profit that works with local, state and federal governments along with local transportation organizations to ensure that transportation planning and projects are done in compliance with Federal mandates to include the Federal Clean Air Act and the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST).   For more information on the Dover/Kent County MPO, please visit or call Helen Wiles at 302-387-6026.