What’s the MPO?

Date Posted: Monday, June 30th, 2014

The Dover/Kent County MPO is the federally-designated agency responsible for coordinating transportation planning and programming in Kent County, Delaware, including all of Milford and Smyrna. Plans and programs adopted by the MPO outline how federal transportation funds will be spent and must comply with federal laws governing clean air and transportation.


Public Workshop: Dover Bicycle and Pedestrian plan

Date Posted: Thursday, June 12th, 2014

Dover can be the most bikeable and walkable city in Delaware with your help. By attending a June 26 workshop on the Dover bicycle and pedestrian plans, you can give your input regarding priorities for better bike and walking areas, and filling in gaps. The workshop will be held from 4-7 p.m. on Thursday, June 26 at the Dover Public Library on Loockerman Street in Dover.


MPO launches comment period on TIP amendments

Date Posted: Friday, June 6th, 2014

05 07 14 CTP FY 14 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Dover Kent County 05 07 14 CTP FY 14 On the Job Training Supportive Services Dover Kent County 05 30 14 CTP FY 14 Section 154 Penalty Transfer (Sanction) Program Dover Kent County The Dover/Kent County Metropolitan Planning Organization is looking for public input on proposed changes to its Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for fiscal years 2014-2017. Changes to the TIP warrant a minimum 30-day public review and comment period, which will run from June 8 to July 8. There are three proposed amendments up for review for this TIP. One has to do with disadvantaged business enterprise, another with on-the-job training and support services, and the third refers to the penalty transfer, or sanction, program. The Disadvantaged Business Enterprise amendment refers to a program, which ensures that minority and female owned small businesses have the opportunity to participate in Delaware Department of Transportation projects. The Federal Highway Administration monitors DelDOT’s compliance with federal regulations regarding making opportunities (including training) available to small businesses. As a recipient of federal funds, DelDOT is required to comply with FHWA’s regulations regarding DBE businesses. The program represents $684,660 in the FY 2014-2017 TIP. The second proposed amendment would establish a DelDOT on-the-job training supportive service program, which federal law requires. This program would provide training to improve the employment and upward mobility of minorities and females in the transportation industry. This program represents $321,511 in the FY 2014-2017 TIP. In a penalty transfer, or sanction, program, which is the third proposed TIP amendment, money is used to implement safety improvements that are consistent with the goals and objectives of the Delaware Strategic Highway Safety Plan. Projects include, but are not limited to traffic control device installations and upgrades, installation of median cable barrier, installation and upgrade of guardrail, high friction surface treatments, rumble strip installation and recessed pavement marker installation. In addition, funds are eligible to cover labor costs related to temporary traffic control for DUI checkpoints and for equipment purchases related to the improvement of safety data capabilities. This program represents a little more than $9 million in the FY 2014-2017 TIP. What justifies this project are annual federal transportation funds given to the state, and sanctioned by the Federal Highway Administration because Delaware’s open (alcohol) container laws are not compliant with federal requirements. The funds that are sanctioned from Delaware’s overall apportionment are transferred to Delaware’s Highway Safety Improvement Program (65 percent) and to the Office of Highway Safety (35 percent).


Data and Demographics committee to meet June 3

Date Posted: Tuesday, May 20th, 2014

The Dover/Kent County Metropolitan Planning Organization’s Data and Demographics subcommittee is set to meet at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, June 3, in the first floor planning conference room of the Kent County Administrative Complex, 555 Bay Road, Dover, DE. The group is scheduled to discuss functional classifications of Kent County roads, as well as 2013 employment projections in Kent County. The group also is set to vote whether or not to approve a 2013 Population Summary, based on October 2013 Delaware Public Consortium control totals. The Data and Demographics Subcommittee is a subset of the Dover/Kent County MPO’s Technical Advisory Committee. Membership is comprised of representatives from Kent County and municipalities within central Delaware, supported by MPO staff. The subcommittee’s mission is to deal with population and employment distribution, as well as collection and organization of other data that the MPO and its members might need. This meeting is open to the public. Further information is available by calling (302) 387-6026 or (302) 387-6030. 2013 Population Projections V1 5-14-2014 2013 HOUSEHOLD Projections V1 5-14-2014 Functional Classification Map Review 1-2-2014 MPO Functional Classification Map Review with DelDOT repsonses Methodology-2014


Special MPO Council Meeting set for June 18

Date Posted: Tuesday, May 20th, 2014

The Dover/Kent County Metropolitan Planning Organization will hold a second special meeting regarding the MPO’s draft FY 2015-2018 Transportation Improvement Program. The meeting will begin at 3 p.m. on Wednesday, June 18 in the council chambers of Camden Town Hall, 1783 Friends Way, Camden. Council at that time is scheduled to discuss and vote upon the MPO’s draft FY 2015-2018 Transportation Improvement Program. The TIP represents the first few years of the long-range Metropolitan Transportation Plan. Transportation-related projects must be included in the TIP, or else they cannot be funded with federal money. At its regular May 7 meeting, the council could not reach a consensus about the document and called for a special meeting that was held on May 28. At the May 28 meeting, much of the council’s discussion focused on the South Frederica grade-separated intersection, a line item in the TIP. Council did not vote on the TIP, but asked the Delaware Department of Transportation to prepare a draft FY 2015-2020 Capital Transportation Program (CTP) using the scenario of the South Frederica grade-separated intersection project as the number one priority for Kent County. Under that scenario, DelDOT would then reprioritize the balance of its Kent County projects so that council can review the impact of repositioning the projects at the June 18 special meeting. In addition to transportation projects having to be included in the TIP to receive federal funds, an MPO-approved TIP and DelDOT’s CTP must agree with one another in order for Delaware projects to receive federal approval and funding. The council meeting is open to the public, which is encouraged to attend. Camden Town Hall is located just off Voshell’s Mill Road and is visible from U.S. 13 across the highway from B&B Music. For more information, call the MPO at (302) 387-6026 or (302) 387-6030.


Bike to Work Day Draws Riders

Date Posted: Thursday, May 15th, 2014

Bike to Work Day in Dover was Wednesday, May 14. Cyclists stopped by the tents set up in front of the Dover Public Library on Loockerman Street in Dover. Interim Mayor Dave Bonar, Jim Hutchison, chairman of the Dover Bicycle and Pedestrian subcommittee and Rob McLeary, chief engineer of the Delaware Department of Transportation spoke at the eve



Date Posted: Thursday, May 15th, 2014

A draft of the 2015-2018 Transportation Improvement Program is available to view. Go to the Programs menu on the homepage to view the document and maps of local projects in the document.


Tropo makes central Delaware Debut at Dover Days

Date Posted: Monday, May 5th, 2014

The Air Quality Partnership of Delaware’s new mascot, Tropo, made its central Delaware debut at Dover Days on Saturday, May 3. DNREC Deputy Secretary David Small, interim Dover Mayor David Bonar, Dover City Councilman James L. Hutchison and members of the Air Quality Partnership helped kick off Ozone Season in central Delaware. “May marks the beginning of ozone season, a time when temperatures rise and conditions become favorable for ground-level ozone to form,” said Deputy Sec. Small. “When ozone is forecasted to reach an unhealthy level, DNREC will declare an Air Quality Action Day and urge people to take precautions to protect their health. During ozone season and all year long, we encourage Delawareans to follow our air quality forecasts and take simple actions whenever possible – like riding public transit, biking or walking – that will make a big difference in improving the quality of our air.” During the spring and summer months, high temperatures and sunlight combine with air pollutants to form ground-level ozone. The air pollutants contributing most to ozone are volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and nitrogen oxides (NOx), which originate from many sources including vehicle exhaust, gasoline vapors, large and small industrial facilities, chemical solvents, consumer products and natural sources. In addition, ozone can be transported by the wind over great distances, creating air quality problems far downwind of pollution sources. This means that everyone—industries, businesses and people—contribute to the problem. High levels of ozone near ground level can be harmful to people, animals and crops. When ozone levels are high, children, seniors, people with respiratory ailments and those who work or exercise outside are especially at risk. Ground-level ozone irritates lung passages and causes inflammation with symptoms that can include coughing, wheezing, headaches and shortness of breath. Long-term exposure to even low levels of ozone can trigger asthma and lead to permanent lung damage. To support ozone season and asthma awareness, Mayor Bonar read two city of Dover proclamations at today’s event encouraging Dover residents to learn about local air quality and take an active role in minimizing pollution. “The city of Dover completely and totally embraces these proclamations and everything they stand for,” Councilman Hutchison said. “And the solar park in Dover and the library show that commitment. As more and more knowledge is gained about the environment, we are going to make changes to have a better, cleaner community.”


Delaware moves up in Bike Friendly Ranking

Date Posted: Thursday, May 1st, 2014

Delaware is now number 4 in the nation as a bicycle-friendly state.  Click on the link below for more information. http://news.delaware.gov/2014/05/01/delaware-ranked-no-4-among-bicycle-friendly-states/


MPO 2014 Spring Newsletter

Date Posted: Monday, April 28th, 2014

Spring 2014 Newsletter