Dover/Kent County MPO

Dover/Kent County MPO


MTP Resources 

Mike’s PAC MTP Presentation 02-08-24

Reed’s Presentation on the Final MTP Approval

Reed’s Presentation on the MTP Update Draft

Jim Galvin’s presentation on Prioritization

Goals and Objectives


Presentations on Studies

Century Engineering Presentation of Mckee/Saulsbury Rd Study – May 3, 2023

Century Engineering Presentation of Smyrna Clayton Blvd. – January 30, 2023

Century Engineering Presentation of Trap Shooters Rd Study – January 24, 2023PDF SlidesVideo

Rail Corridor Land Use Study Presentation by Marilyn – June 9 2022

Century Engineering Presentation of Banning/Clarence St. Study – April 28, 2021

WRA Presentation of Dover Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan – May 3, 2021

Century Engineering Presentation on Dover Air Cargo Study (Full Presentation) – April 21, 2021

Century Engineering Presentation on Dover Air Cargo Study (PDF Only) – April 21, 2021

Century Engineering Presentation on Dover Air Terminal Freight Study – October 28, 2020

Reed’s Presentation to the PAC and TAC on Transportation Studies – Oct/Nov 2018

2019 City of Dover Road Project Request – Dec 1, 2019


Presentations to Council

Presentation for the FY25 UPWP

Marilyn’s Presentation on the UPWP

Reed’s Presentation on MTP Presentation

Helen’s Presentation to the PAC on the PPP Draft

Reed’s Presentation to the Council and Committees on Air Quality

Reed’s Presentation to the Council and Committees on the UPWP


Presentations to Public

MPO Presentation of the Rail Corridor Study to the Winter Freight Meeting (Linda Parkowski and Marilyn Smith)

Helen’s Presentation to Dover Youth Council

MPO Presentation to Rotary Clubs and Municipalities (Marilyn and Helen)

Helen’s Presentation to Lion’s Club

Helen’s Presentation to Realtors